
My Payments

Payment methods

Orders from can be paid for in different ways, both directly and indirectly. The difference is that with a direct payment the bags are sent immediately. With an indirect payment, the bags are sent only once the payment has been received.


What is PayPal?
Using PayPal you can pay with your own account as well as with your credit card. You must have a payment account with PayPal to do so.

Advantages PayPal:

  • PayPal guarantees a 100% secure verification using very advanced techniques.
  • PayPal’s solid “proprietary risk models” protect your credit card payments by monitoring unusual activity.
  • PayPal’s technology evaluates transactions based on a hundred variables in order to intercept fraudulent transactions immediately.
  • PayPal’s unique and patented methods for credit card verification give PayPal users addition security.
  • PayPal uses powerful encryption methods to encode and protect your information.

Bank transfer

The idea is simple: the buyer transfers money to the seller’s account.

As a buyer, what do I need to be able make a transfer?
A bank account and the ability to make transfers (electronically or manually). After placing your order, you will receive an email containing payment information within a few minutes. Once the payment has been received, your order will be produced and sent.

What does a payment transfer cost?
The costs of a payment transfer varies per bank, but in most cases can be made free of charge.

Credit card payment

The credit card payment method is a payment option whereby the buyer gives permission for money to be debited from their account through the credit card company. To perform such a transaction, verification of the cardholder must first take place. This verification is performed by Paymill on behalf of

As a buyer, what do I need to be able to pay with a credit card?
Naturally, you need a valid credit card.

What does a credit card payment cost?
A credit card payment carries no extra transaction costs.

How does Paymill handle your credit card payment?
If you select this payment method from the Shingyo site, you will automatically go to the payments page of Paymill. Here you can enter your credit card and verification numbers. Paymill verifies your credit card, after which the amount will be debited through your credit card company.



After we have dispatched the bags, will will send you the invoice of the order by e-mail. For orders received by 12 am, you’ll receive the invoice the same day since the bags will be dispatched the same day, except for weekends. Do check your spam/junk mail folder to make sure the email has not been sent there.

Customs Duty

Just a quick update to inform you what buying from Shingyo will mean with the new Brexit rules regarding VAT!

Since we are a Dutch company you are importing from The Netherlands.

But no worries, all required documents are automatically generated by us to make things easy. Also we are sending under the delivered duty paid condition, so we’ll pay the custom duties for you!